jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

Last Post

Ok this time i have to write about my blogging experience in the English class, I don’t feel like it was an incredible experience, but I enjoyed it, as a way to express things about us or our way to think about some subject, this is not something that we have in other class, so is interesting what could happen here.

At the moment i don't think start my own blog, i don't have much time to do this and i don't have the interest to say much by this way, i think that for this give good result we have to give it time and something good to express about the thing that happen, or different perspective about any subject. Years ago, i started a blog and was about think that i wrote, like poems and stories, but i have to let it because i don't have time :(

I think this help us to improve our English in the way that this is not so structure and formal like the usually class, so we practise and English more real or more close to the English that it´s common to the English people.

As i say before, a good thing of write a blog is that we have a way to express something about us and the same time progress in our learning. In other way, something that i never like, not just in this class, it's that we have a short time and we have to write about a subject that it's imposed, something that for me it's very difficult because the inspiration goes away in this condition, it's something terrible!

What would i change? mmm, i think that the topics, or the ways to choose the topics, maybe something more free or more general where people could choose to talk about a topics associated. But i wouldn't change the thing about the time, even i considered short, i think that the people wouldn't do it if there is more time.

So that's my experience, i liked it and i hope it help me to improved with my English! 

Good Bye and i'll get back to see you soon!

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

Travel experiences in Chile

I'm gonna talk about a travel experience in Chile that i had years ago. I went to the "Reserva Nacional Río Los Cipreses" situated in the sixth region, with my father, my brother and my father's wife. We camped for a week and looked at the whole place, it was beatiful!. The reserve is in the middle of the mountain chain and have the river "Los Cipreses", and where we been have a kind of natural pool with the river's water. So, some days we just stayed in there and went to that pool, and others day we go through the mountains. In the mountain was a path to do trekking and it takes you to a waterfall that was surrounded with a little forest, it's a place wonderful, i love it!
The last day that we been there, we walked in a path that go to a close locality and we couldn't get there because our water and food finished and the sun goes down, but the most incredible was that we saw a fox and we heard a mountain lion! it's was incredible! and the place more incredible and gorgeous, definitely i'm gonna get back!


sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

This photograph is one of my favorite, a friend took it when we go to a trekking last year, the best of everything is that i didn't know he was taken the photo. What i love most of this photo is that you can see a piece of the landscape where we been and realise how wonderful and amazing is the nature and how close it been. Other thing that i love is that in the bottom you can see the majestic Cordillera de los Andes snowy, if the Cordillera it's beautiful normally you can realise  how wonderful it's see with snow. In there we can see too how little are we, thats another thing that i like in this photo, the perspective in the photograph. The nature gives me peace and recharge me to continue with the routine in the city.

I love the photograpy so much, it's one of my hobbies, but i prefer the analog photography, i have a Zenit 122 and its amazing! The only trouble is that i don't know yet to develop the film by myself, so i have to go to a photo lab and wait a lot to see the photos that i take jajaja.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Clotario Blest

Hello, well i'm gonna talk about somebody that i admire, the person that i chose is Clotario Blest Riffo. He was a union leader and and a person on behalf of human rights and the chilean's worker.

He born on the 17 of november, 1899, in Santiago of Chile.He studies in the Seminary of Santiago but he never chose the way of priesthood. In 1922 he started to work as public employee in the General Treasury of the Republic, and then in 1930 he start his union activity inside of the public administration. He created the ANEF ( national association of government employee) in 1943 and finally in 1953 he accomplish his dream, the founding of the CUT ( Central united of worker).

I like him because he is a person who believe in the respect of the human rights and not just that, he worked and  fought for them, trying to make a country more fair and ameliorate the laboral condition of the people. He is a big model for the person who are interesting in the syndicalism and the laboral conditions.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


 My favorite movie is "Beginners, this is what love feels like." directed by Mike Mill. It's the storie of Oliver (Ewan McGregor), who meet a girl on a party, Anna (Melanie Laurent) a few month after the death of Oliver's father Hal (Christopher Plummer). The thing is that this movie is structured on a series of flashbacks so you could thing that it's confused, but no, it's a simple romantic comedy-drama but very diferent to what i see before. Oliver's father after the death of Georgia ( Oliver's mother interpreted by Mary Page Keller) confess that he always have been gay and he start to live an open gay's life. Everything ok ( if we could say that) at this moment right? the problem start when Hal it's diagnose with a cancer and died few months after. Oliver reflect about the life and death of Hal, and how at last he was trying to be really happy an honest with life. then he meets Anna and try to start a relationship, but both have a lot of problems with themselves so the things doesn't be easy but they try to make it happen.

I like this movie principaly because i feel very identify, not because happen this things to me, it's because the vision that Mike Mill try to express of the love, life and the relations with other people and how over and over we have to start like beginners in every situations.

File:Beginners Poster.jpg

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Ok, i'm not too well talking about my life but here we go.

My name is Katherine Oliva Aravena, but i never like too much that people call me by my complete first name so i prefer everyone call me Kathy. I was born in an incredible country on the south of the world called Chile, more specific in the capital Santiago, on the 30th December 1994.

I went to San Lorenzo primary school that is very close to my house and is very little, everyone knows each other, but then i went to the emblematic secondary school Liceo 1 Javiera Carrera, that is completely the opposite, a big school where you was one in hundred  and very far away from home, but where as student we have a big commitment with the society so we were very involve with the national problems. I think that this influences me to take one of the, in my opinion, biggest decision in my life, the career that i will study. I always know where i wanted to studies, but never what. So finally i decide to study Public Administration, but as a way to can study political sciences, everything in the Universidad de Chile.

 My family is made up of my mother Patricia and my bigger sister Nicole, they both live with me and the six cats of my sister, (yeah SIX!). My father Bernardo and my half brother Bernardo (yeah very original) live in other house with the wife of my dad. All of us live here in Santiago. 

On my free time i like to write and principally take pictures, i love photography.